Julio Andó & Cia Ltda was established in 1969 in the city of Maringá, northern of Paraná state-Brazil. It started initially as a small bike shop that quickly developed and started selling wholesale, gaining the trust of customers and manufacturers.
In the 90's, with the arrival of Mountain Bikes in Brazil, the bicycle market developed and became more sophisticated and demanding. In order to meet this demand for new components manufactured overseas, Julio Andó found in the import of products a way to supply its customers with quality and availability in larger quantities. The market approved it and vigorously boosted its sales, strengthening even more the company as a nationwide distributor for bicycles and its parts.
In the mid 2000, aiming to optimize logistics and reduce costs, Julio Andó opened a distribution center in the city of Curitiba. Then in 2015, taking advantage of new opportunities, the state of Santa Catarina becomes the operational center with the intention of providing greater advantages to its customers, delivering products with the same approved quality, but now faster and with reduced costs.
Nowadays we see the developed world focused on the respect to pedestrians, prioritizing the public transport and the bicycle. The bicycle is a clean transport, it reduces the traffic congestion, it is sustainable and good for health.
We, from Julio Andó, truly believe that we can make the difference for a better world, providing to brazilians access to the major brands of bicycles, parts and accessories available in the world at affordable prices.
We, from Julio Andó, want to give people the opportunity to own a bicycle and feel satisfied and happy with it.
Watch our 50 Year Anniversary video celebration